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Green Oak Bridge


'We build too many walls and not enough bridges'

Proclaimed Isaac Newton, the famous carpenter...

It is true we don't get to build enough bridges. Especially ones like this.

Protruding over a small weir the previous bridge had fallen into a sad state. The aim was to replace it with something that would add to an already stunning garden scene. An arch form was preferable due to an existing stone arch slightly up stream.

Practicalities meant that the curves could not be too steep as a lawnmower must be able to cross.

To keep within these parameters we used two different curves. The main body of the bridge was to be slightly less steep to allow the lawnmower to cross but the balustrading would have a slightly deeper curve to add interest and compliment the surroundings.

After a few designs this was the winner. The main structure is supported on two 5*14" green oak timbers. We had lots of fun cutting the 25m radius curves.

Once done the newels were laid out and the process of cutting the handrails began. All in all 18 section of handrail needed to be made before everything could be fine tuned and dry assembled prior to delivery.

We had previously cast concrete landing pads as a solid base for the bridge to be sited upon. Once everything arrived it was just a case of assembling the bridge and trying not to fall in the stream.

A very enjoyable day, I think Newton would have approved.

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